Monday 1 August 2011

Copenhagen Goes All Shiny!

So, back in May, I directed a small group of very hard working actors (Barry Mitchell, Detta Hannon and Michael Smith) in a little, wordy play called Copenhagen. Wonderfuly assisted in my quest by Lindsey Welch Angella Atfield, James Stevens, Sandra Edmonds, et al, we managed to pull a particularly tricky show together for an even more select audience (that's right, no one came to see it!) Anyway, of those that did see it, we got some great feedback, saying it was engaging, entertaining, educational, elephantian (well, maybe not that one) - but people were talking about it.

In a good way too.

Anyway, at the Kent Drama Associations Festival award night - we were honoured with the Adjudicator's Special Award (for Risk Taking). I think he meant for putting on a show that is very rarely seen on the amateur circuit, is incredible static for most of the time, and tests the concentration of the audience as much as the abilities of the cast and crew; And not for the over stuff multi-plug that was powering the TV screens.

So anyway, yay us.
And this is what we got:

Next show - just gonna be a farce, nothing too serious or involved. Or wordy.